Mar 4, 2023
Favorite gear: Swedish goggles
I’ve been wearing “Swedish goggles” for swimming since I was in middle school (many years ago). Most people who see them don’t get it, which is fair. But they’re a win for simplicity and minimalism.
Feb 11, 2023
My first shots with the Pentax 6𝗑7
I finally received from the lab my first medium format images from my Pentax 6𝗑7
Dec 31, 2022
Yet another new, old film camera
I’ve been looking for a mechanically sound Pentax 6ⅹ7 camera for years, and I finally found one at a local camera shop.
Dec 29, 2022
Back in the pool after three years
Following covid closures and shoulder surgery, I’m back to my favorite form of exercise after three long years.
Dec 19, 2022
The 10 best books I read in 2022
I read fewer books this year than each of last two years. I was hoping to retain more from the books I read by taking more time with each book. That said, this year I read some of my favorite books I’ve ever read.
Nov 25, 2022
Cherish what survives
More than two years after wildfires forced us to evacuate our home, the state of some of my favorite places has been obscured by lack of access and information. Recently, I discovered one of them survived.
Sep 25, 2022
Search and rescue: fitness (re)assessment
Every year, search and rescue members must complete a pre-approved route to confirm their physical fitness. The routes gain between 2000 and 3000 feet, all in around 5 miles. I went out this morning to check the box.
Sep 18, 2022
Our first vacation in three years
We had to cancel or abandon our vacations each of the last three years. We finally got away for a few days.
Aug 20, 2022
So here’s the thing about Wyoming…
I grew up in a small Wyoming town (“small” and ”Wyoming town” are, of course, redundant). It’s a state of staggering natural beauty, sparsely populated by simple, kind people who seem to have no idea how hypocritical their beliefs are.