Aug 13, 2022
Search and rescue: gear changes
I’ve continued to make changes to my main search and rescue kit. In this post, I cover recent changes to my watch and chest harness.
Aug 6, 2022
Favorite gear: Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, Third Edition
In 1999, I moved from my Wyoming hometown to Oregon. Along the way, I stopped in Bozeman, Montana, and stayed with my cousin in his apartment in an abandoned brewery. On that trip, he gave me one of my favorite books I’ve ever owned.
Jul 15, 2022
Search and rescue: supplemental gear
I’ve previously shared gear requirements for my search and rescue team. Those requirements changed recently, so here’s an update on the core pack and supplemental kit.
Jul 14, 2022
Writing for action and ambiguity
I finally got approval to publish a blog post about my content design work for ADA.
Jun 17, 2022
A new bike: Bianchi Lupo
Less than a week after I suggested I might add a new gravel or touring bike to my garage, I picked up a brand new Bianchi Lupo
Jun 12, 2022
Favorite gear: steel bikes
I haven’t been able to ride my bikes as much as I’d like, having dislocated my shoulder on the bike in 2020. But following surgery and continuing recovery, I’m ready to get back in the saddle.
Jun 2, 2022
I relied on Gaia GPS for search and rescue missions. Not anymore.
When I joined search and rescue, I bought the Gaia GPS Premium service. It worked great for awhile, until a debilitating bug and woefully indifferent customer service ruined it.
May 29, 2022
Favorite gear: original Leatherman PST
I was gifted an original Leatherman multitool when I graduated high school in 1999. It’s taken years for me to understand how rare it is.
May 27, 2022
Joining search and rescue part four: why I joined
Search and rescue is demanding. It’s financially expensive (mostly gear and gas), time consuming, and emotionally taxing. So why did I join?
May 19, 2022
Joining search and rescue part three: old trucks (and old shoulders)
Following my shoulder surgery in December, and subsequent physical therapy, I’m preparing to return to search and rescue by equipping my old truck.